Masjid Agung Yogyakarta palace is building the mosque, which was established in the center (capital) kingdom. The building was established during the government of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Planning space city reputedly based on the concept of god-fearing. Thus, the composition was formed with the space outside the bounds of the form of five mosques in Kasultanan four point with the Great Mosque as the center. While the composition in place in Tugu (Tugu Pal White) - Stage Krapyak as core elements of the main room. Composition of this place Tugu Pal White-palace-Stage Krapyak in one axis.
Building the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta palace area of approximately 13,000 square meters. The area is bordered by a fence wall around. Development of the mosque itself was 16 years old Yogyakarta palace stood. Establishment of the mosque itself from the initiative of Kiai Pengulu Faqih said that implementation Dipaningrat by Tumenggung Wiryakusuma, an architect palace. Mosque development done in stages. The first stage is the main building of the mosque. The second phase is the development platform mosque. After that is done, the addition of adding other building.
Building the Great Mosque of some space, the page the mosque, the mosque porch, main room and a mosque. Page mosque consists of front page and back page. Page mosque is open space that is located on the outside of the main building and veranda mosque. This page is limited by the walls around. Page are the mosque is a cemetery behind Nyi Achmad Dahlan and several other graves ..
There are five doors that fruit can be used to enter the page mosque. Two doors are located in the north and south. While on the east side there is a door that serves as the main gate. The form of the gate that this is now Semar tinandu with the roof limasan. On both sides of the gate there are two buildings called the ward soldiers. The gate is connected with a road cut across the front page into two parts. This road diapit two buildings, called pagongan.
There are five doors that fruit can be used to enter the page mosque. Two doors are located in the north and south. While on the east side there is a door that serves as the main gate. The form of the gate that this is now Semar tinandu with the roof limasan. On both sides of the gate there are two buildings called the ward soldiers. The gate is connected with a road cut across the front page into two parts. This road diapit two buildings, called pagongan.
Building foyer mosque mosque, separated from the page. Building separation wall is a fence around the entrance of five fruit. On the east there is a three-door and one on the north and south. Building foyer is also surrounded with a small ditch (pond) in the north, east, and south. Place/building that is used to clean located in the north and south porch.
On the west porch this building stands the Great Mosque which is the main prayer room. Room mosque square shaped sketch. Building, mosque founded on the shelf at 1.7 meters. On the north side of building a mosque there is a study, bathroom and toilet for men. Medium is for women who are on the south side. Mihrab located on the west wall. At the close, there is a mihrab and pulpit Maksurah, each located in the north and south mihrab.
Tajug roof cover three main space is the Great Mosque. At the peak of the roof there is mustaka. Third mosque roof supported by walls on all four side walls of the room and pillar of 36 units. Columns are rounded without decoration (plain). Forty six third pillar is made up of four teachers saka, saka swamp 12, and 20 saka porch.
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