Pandansimo located in the coastal village Poncosari, Srandakan District, approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Bantul. And is located adjacent to the Progo River Estuary, and is the most west coast of the South Coast of the row into the region of Bantul Regency. Pandansimo comes from the word that means the tree of Pandan Pandan Simo and that means the tiger. Pandansimo Beach is located in the Village Poncosari or about 30 km from Yogyakarta to the south.
Waves are big and wild, mystical atmosphere that is still thick with many a sacred heritage, hurly burly fishermen struggling against the violent waves is a charm for the tourists. Moreover, the twilight, Pandansimo beach look elegant and captivating.
Besides the beautiful beach panorama, Pandansimo on the beach, there are objects such as Pandanpayung pilgrimage tour and Pandansari.
Here also there are various cultural events such as ceremonial tradition Merti Hamlet, Labuhan charity sea, and the boards of art and culture. Thus some small comfort in the middle of the pulse of life in the fishing beach Pandansimo. Just pay the ticket marks the entrance average below $ 1 per head, you can feel the pulse of life of fishermen simplicity.
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