Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yogyakarta palace In Indonesia Tourism

Yogyakarta is a city in Indonesia Tourism which is the destination where the complete tour start from education, religion, mountains to the coast. Cities that have a heritage of history and culture and a strong tradition to uphold. Here we can find a cultural heritage that is not priceless. Any Cultural heritage that until now is still standing strong Yogyakarta palace.

Yogyakarta palace  In Indonesia TourismYogyakarta palace with all the customs and culture into community life Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta palace into the main tourism in the city of Yogyakarta either side of the building heritage and customs that have in it. Historic building which is the palace and residence of the Sultan Hamengku Buwana and his family this year stood since 1756.

Yogyakarta palace In Indonesia Tourism_001Architecture is the palace of Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, which is the founder of the kingdom Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. His expertise in the field of architecture valued by scientists and the nation Dr.Pigeund Netherlands Dr.Adam considered as the "architect's brother Pakubuwono II Surakarta".

Yogyakarta palace  In Indonesia Tourism_002In Yogyakarta palace you can see the cultural heritage of the kingdom of Mataram as Alun-alun north, Alun-alun south, Siti Hinggil, Kemandungan, Regol Gadungmlati, Regol Brojonolo, Bangsal Witono, Bangsal Manguntur Takil, Bangsal Trajumas, Bangsal Kencono, Paviliun Praba Yeksa, Gedong yellow.